Jika kamu dapat menjalani hidup tanpa harus khawatir tentang uang, apa impian kamu yang ingin diwujudkan?"

Our Value

These are why our clients love us
Practical, Hands-On Financial Planning Consultation

At the core of our approach is a commitment to hands-on and collaborative financial planning. We work side-by-side with you to address your financial goals, applying our expertise directly where it’s most needed to ensure effective and personalized solutions.

Deliver Results While Building Financial Competence

We believe our financial planning consultation must deliver tangible results. Equally important, we aim to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to manage your finances independently and continue to achieve your financial goals even after our consultation ends.

Global CFP Standards with Local Financial Expertise

We adhere to global financial planning standards and practices, drawing on our experience working with major High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) clients. Our approach integrates these standards while tailoring solutions to fit your specific local needs, including wealth accumulation, wealth protection, and wealth distribution, to help you achieve your financial goals.

Flexible Financial Planning and Investment

We offer a range of financial planning programs and investment options to cater to various stages of your financial journey. Whether you’re just beginning to innovate your financial strategies or looking to elevate your current initiatives, we provide flexible solutions designed to meet your evolving needs. We employ goal-based investing and assess risk tolerance based on your financial goals.

Client Portfolio

Oke Finansial

Is trusted by financial leaders and corporations for expert financial planning

Financial Tools


Setiti® adalah Financial tools dari Okefinansial yang dirancang membantu kamu mengelola, dan mencapai tujuan keuangan dengan lebih terarah. Dengan Setiti®, kamu bisa melihat gambaran lengkap kondisi keuanganmu, memantau progres, dan memastikan langkahmu menuju impian.

Our Financial Planner

CFP® Professional

Financial planner kami adalah profesional bersertifikasi Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) dari FPSB Indonesia yang ahli merancang strategi keuangan untuk membantu HNWI mencapai tujuan mereka.

Kesejahteraan finansial adalah fondasi penting dalam kehidupan setiap individu. Bagaimana seseorang mengelola uangnya tidak hanya memengaruhi aspek keuangan, tetapi juga berdampak pada kesejahteraan fisik, emosional, dan bahkan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan.


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Kami percaya bahwa dengan perencanaan keuangan yang tepat, berpotensi menciptakan keajaiban dan kesejahteraan finansial bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

Tidak ada yang peduli keuanganmu selain kamu dan aku.

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